Source code for datakick.api


This module contains the methods that power datakick.


import os
import requests
import six

from .exceptions import ImageTooLargeError, InvalidImageFormatError
from .models import DatakickProduct

_ADD_PRODUCT_URL = "{gtin14}"
_ADD_IMAGE_URL = "{gtin14}/images"
_FIND_PRODUCT_URL = "{gtin14}"
_SEARCH_URL = "{key}"

VALID_IMAGE_EXT = (".jpeg", ".jpg")

def _check_image_ext(img_path):
    Raises :class:`InvalidImageFormatError` if the image doesn't have one of the
    valid image extensions.

    :param img_path: the path to the image
    :raises InvalidImageFormatError: if the image doesn't have one of
    the valid image extensions.
    :return None
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(img_path)

    if ext not in VALID_IMAGE_EXT:
        raise InvalidImageFormatError(
            "Image must have one of the following extensions: {}".format(

def _check_image_size(img_path):
    Raises :class:`ImageTooLargeError` if the image is larger 1MB.

    :param img_path: the path to the image
    :raises ImageTooLargeError: if the image is too large.
    :return: None
    megabyte = 1048576

    if os.path.getsize(img_path) > megabyte:
        raise ImageTooLargeError("Image must be <= 1MB in size.")

[docs]def add_image(gtin14, img_path): """ Adds an image to the product on the Datakick database and returns the url to that image. :param gtin14: barcode (ean/upc) :param img_path: path to the image :raises requests.HTTPError: if the gtin14 is invalid :raises datakick.exceptions.ImageTooLarge: if the image is larger than 1MB :raises datakick.exceptions.InvalidImageFormat: if the image format is not one of the approved formats. :return: url :class:`str <str>` :rtype: :class:`str <str>` """ _check_image_ext(img_path) _check_image_size(img_path) url = _ADD_IMAGE_URL.format(gtin14=gtin14) files = {"image": open(img_path, "rb")} resp =, files=files) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json().get("image_url")
[docs]def add_product(gtin14, **kwargs): """ Adds or modifies a product on the Datakick database and returns it. :param gtin14: barcode (ean/upc) :param name: name :param brand_name: brand name :param size: net weight or volume (i.e. 20oz or 500g) :param ingredients: string of the ingredients :param serving_size: serving size of the product :param servings_per_container: number of servings per container :param calories: number of calories :param fat_calories: number of calories from fat :param fat: amount of fat in grams (g) :param saturated_fat: amount of saturated fat in grams (g) :param trans_fat: amount of trans fat in grams (g) :param polyunsaturated_fat: amount of polyunsaturated fat in grams (g) :param monounsaturated_fat: amount of monounsaturated fat in grams (g) :param cholesterol: amount of cholesterol in milligrams (mg) :param sodium: amount of sodium in milligrams (mg) :param potassium: amount of potassium in milligrams (mg) :param carbohydrate: amount of carbohydrates in grams (g) :param fiber: amount of fiber in grams (g) :param sugars: amount of sugar in grams (g) :param protein: amount of protein in grams (g) :param author: name of the author of the book :param publisher: name of the publisher of the book :param pages: number of pages in the book :param alcohol_by_volume: percentage of alcohol :return: :class:`DatakickProduct <DatakickProduct>` object :rtype: datakick.models.DatakickProduct """ url = _ADD_PRODUCT_URL.format(gtin14=gtin14) resp = requests.put(url, params=kwargs) resp.raise_for_status() return DatakickProduct(resp.json())
[docs]def find_product(gtin14): """ Finds and returns the product from the Datakick database matching the barcode supplied. :param gtin14: barcode (ean/upc) :raises requests.HTTPError: if the gtin14 is invalid or the product is not found in the database :return: :class:`DatakickProduct <DatakickProduct>` object :rtype: datakick.models.DatakickProduct """ url = _FIND_PRODUCT_URL.format(gtin14=gtin14) resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() return DatakickProduct(resp.json())
[docs]def list_products(page=1): """ Returns a list of products found on the page specified. :param page: page of products to retrieve :type page: int :return: a :class:`list <list>` of :class:`DatakickProduct<DatakickProduct>` objects :rtype: :class:`list <list>` """ if page < 1: page = 1 url = _LIST_PRODUCTS_URL.format(page=page) resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() return [DatakickProduct(product) for product in resp.json()]